Let’s Root for Each Other and Help Each Other Grow!

In 2nd grade we spend the Spring learning about pollinators and why they are important to plants. Module 3 dives deep into the parts of plants and the specific needs they have to help them grow and survive. To help students take ownership of their own learning we decided to plant our own seeds! 

“To help students take ownership of their own learning we decided to plant our own seeds!”

“Informational writing improved and became more specific as students were able to observe in our classroom what plants looked like after a weekend of no water, or little sun".”

The second graders took soil, seeds, and water and made consistent observations as their seeds sprouted and their plants grew. We were able to incorporate scientific drawings and observations into our EL reading, which helped students fully engage in informational texts. As students’ plants grew, we practiced labeling diagrams and explaining to our classmates and others what was helping their plants grow. Informational writing improved and became more specific as students were able to observe in our classroom what plants looked like after a weekend of no water, or little sun. 

“They help new plants grow and give us the fruits and vegetables we love to enjoy!!”

“They formed a stronger understanding of why we need to keep planting seeds for these insects to pollinate.”

This module helped students better understand the benefits of pollinators such as bees and butterflies! They formed a stronger understanding of why we need to keep planting seeds for these insects to pollinate. As they saw their lettuce turn into lettuce they recognized, or into basil they were able to smell, it became clear why we love watching the butterflies and bees fly from flower to flower. They help new plants grow and give us the fruits and vegetables we love to enjoy! 

As part of our celebration of learning we were able to share all our growth, and our plants, with our grownups. Students put on their teacher hats and helped families plant their own seeds! Students explained the importance of protecting pollinators and why planting seeds can help create new flowers to be pollinated! Our end of module celebration was a beautiful combination of growth and planting new seeds to watch, nurture, and help grow!


Science Fair