Detroit Achievement Academy’s Hiring Committee
Each school year, schools are faced with the same, seemingly, daunting task of hiring new staff members. In an ideal world, school leaders would love to have their full staff return year after year, but we all know that is almost never the case. While we love and appreciate the work that the staff here at DAA have put in, we also honor and celebrate when members of our community have to spread their wings and soar elsewhere. With that being said, it is extremely important for us to have a solid plan in place when it comes to inviting new staff to join our phenomenal team of teachers.
DAA’s hiring committee is composed of current school leaders for primary, elementary and upper school, tenured classroom teachers and our Head of School. It is important for us to have viewpoints from various angles so that we are all in line with finding best fit candidates to help our students grow to their full potential. Having a team of people who work closely together not only eases the load, but it also ensures that we are doing our due diligence to find candidates that align with the mission and vision of our school community.
If you are interested in becoming a part of our amazing team, please head over to our website,, and click on “Careers.” Our hiring committee would love to hear from you!