First Tech Robotics
“Students learn and work on the ‘Core Values of Gracious Professionalism, Teamwork, and Innovation using Technology.”
FIRST stands for (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology). Our team will work towards promoting STEM activities while working with robots. Students learn and work on the ‘Core Values of Gracious Professionalism, Teamwork, and Innovation using Technology. Our FTC Team 24771 met on Tuesdays and Thursdays to work on the robot. We had some fall Saturdays where we met with other teams and received extra help with building and coding. The competition is built on alliance teams, two teams working together operating their robots to complete some type of task. Students build relationships with other teams on Saturdays because you might get to partner up with them during the competition. Students were more comfortable and spoke to other teams. Students learned to get out of their comfort zone and work with other teams to accomplish their team goals. Students also learned how to become problem solvers.
The team received equipment and the mission models. Torch Bot was built with a new goBILDA FTC kit. Our Present Inventory for 2023-2024 as regards to Equipment.
2 Cell Phone
2 gaming control
1 Rev hub control
5 motors FTC Building Kits come with all parts
2 toles that were needed to build a robot.
Classroom roles
Builders: Help with the building of the robot
Programmers: code robots to move and be controlled with remotes and anatomically. Using the Scratch website to learn block coding.
Note Manager: Keep everyday notes for designs and to keep track of building the robot. Keep a running update with pictures and/or drawings. Keep track of any problems that they came across and what was the soluton to the problem.
Research and developer: research designs of how tobuild the robot and fnd answers to questons or problems.
Competition day
Coach: one team member who advises or guides teammates must wear the “COACH” buton.
Drivers: no more than two team members that operate the robot must wear the “DRIVE TEAM” buton.
Human Player: this year the human player had to add circular pegs for the robot arm to pick up and place on the peg board.
Pit Crew: builder for any updates or repairs that might happen during the competton. Programmer in case a robot has added moving parts or may need to help the alliance team.
Programming Resource
Block Programming tool - A user-friendly, graphical tool for programming a competition robot. Blocks Programming Guide Blocks Video Tutorials Computational Thinking Video Playlist
Coding Games
Students like spending tme on their phones, and more ofen than not, they’re playing the newest hit game. Using coding games keeps students engaged while also making it fun for them to learn the essentials. To keep students even more motivated, try using a multiplayer coding game where they can compete against each other. We were pleased to participate in the December 2, 2024 qualifying competition. The team worked together, finished their push bot and competed in 6 out of 25 matches. They were confident with talking to the judges, explaining issues if the issue was solved and what was done to solve the problem. Our team came in 9th place in the First Tech Competton(FTC) robotc games.